What is Youth Action Board (YAB)?

A group of diverse, young and vibrant youth who come to the table to discuss the services being offered throughout the Coulee Region, as well as offer insight from a youth’s perspective on what is needed to address youth homelessness.

A close up photo of a youth walking in skateboard shoes

YAB participants look at policies and procedures across the state and offer feedback from a youth perspective to the Balance of State and HUD. This includes reviewing new programs across Wisconsin. The ultimate goal is to end youth homelessness and YAB members are committed to that goal.

Qualifications to Join YAB

Youth between 14-24 years old experienced with homelessness or housing instability. All youth are welcome, including:

Pregnant and/or parenting
Involved in the juvenile justice system
Victims of sexual trafficking youth and exploitation
Any foster care youth 24 and under
Youth with passion to address youth homelessness
Three people holding hands in support of one another
Youth sitting on large rock formation with their feet hanging down

Our Services

YAB has meetings twice per month where we:

  • Discuss local events YAB can participate in
  • Review new policies and discuss what the impact may look like
  • Make referrals to other organizations that may benefit from YAB members
  • Learn about outside organizations and the services they provide in the Coulee Region

Topics YAB focuses on:

  • Homelessness
  • Racism
  • Human trafficking
  • Women’s rights
  • Equality
  • Diversity
  • Mental health