Connections Between YAB & YHDP

It is important to HUD that youth and young adults with lived experience are involved in every step of the implementation of homelessness-related policies at the local level. For all incoming youth and young adult policies related to homelessness in the State of Wisconsin, the Youth Action Board is required to give input, signing off on any changes that could affect the outcomes of homeless individuals in the region. Because of this, the Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP) of the Coulee Region is able to provide services and supports to qualified individuals who are currently experiencing homelessness or housing insecurity.

Four youth looking out over a city
Youth with feet pointing at each other in circle with a chalk smiley face drawn on the sidewalk


The goal of Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP) is to support selected communities, including rural, suburban, and urban areas across the United States, in the development and implementation of a coordinated community approach to preventing and ending youth homelessness. Communities interested in YHDP funding to address youth homelessness in their communities start by drafting a Coordinated Community Plan (CCP) which lays out the plan for addressing youth homelessness in their community. Diverse input is gathered from stakeholders to develop the CCP. Black Leaders Acquiring collective Knowledge drafted our Coulee Region CCP through the collaborative work of RHYMES, youth and young adults,and diverse agencies. The CCP serves as a guide for programming and funding in their respective communities.

YAB was formed from the beginning of the CCP process and the initial work done to make applying for funding to support youth focused housing work in our community. A possibility. YWCA La Crosse submitted a grant for YHDP funding with the RHYMES collaborative guided by the CCP. Local YAB members reviewed the proposal for funding and submitted a letter of support for the grant. Once the local YAB submitted their support, the proposal then goes to the state YAB to be looked at again and ensure centering of the youth voice and ensure youth engagement. YWCA La Crosse did receive funding to start focused work to address youth and young adult homelessness and housing instability.

YWCA La Crosse's YHDP program is In the KNO (Kinship, Navigation, and Outreach). Program Housing Navigators provide case management, support, and navigation assistance through the complex housing system to 18 to 24-year-old young adults, who are homeless or experiencing housing instability. YAB members help provide feedback on programming and unmet needs for youth and young adults. YAB is fundamental to the work in our community to address youth homelessness.

Services available for eligible participants:

  • Limited security deposit assistance
  • A monthly stipend for kinship care
  • Independent living skills
  • Education and employment support
  • Assistance to meet additional self-identified needs
  • Navigation of the complex housing system

To learn more about YHDP, determine your eligibility, or make a referral, please email